Category Archive: Graphics

Launched Video Streaming Service and New Web Site for AFM Videos

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New Web Site for Smart Home America


Hosts technical trainings and provides literature for housing and insurance industry professionals, which will allow them to better assist their clients and residents with building and retrofitting to the FORTIFIED standard

Educates legislators, elected officials and county and municipal employees on the benefits of stronger, more resilient …

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New Web Site for Florida Association for Insurance Reform


FAIRĀ is a non-partisan, non-profit educational organization that works to educate Florida consumers and insurance industry stake-holdersĀ about the effects of insurance public policy. Unlike other organizations that represent specific constituencies, FAIR works with all constituencies to facilitate ongoing dialogue and transparent communications. FAIR believes that there is a solution to every insurance problem that …

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New Responsive Full Screen Web Site for RSPPG.COM

Building on a Reputation

At RS&P, our highly experienced principals, Robert Sheridan and Richard G. Berry, have more than 60 years of combined experience in housing sales and development. They both are highly regarded, nationally recognized, experts in the industry.

You can see the result of that experience in every home we build. The …

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